The influence of brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality toward consumers' purchase intention: a case of richeese factory, Jakarta

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Etty Susilowati
Agatha Novita Sari


This study investigates the relationship between brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand purchasing intention. A total of 99 students from Budi Luhur University was used as respondents in this study based on the convenience sampling method. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The analysis specifies that there is a significant positive relationship among brand awareness, brand association and perceived quality towards brand loyalty and brand purchasing intention. However, there is not a significant relationship between brand loyalty and brand purchasing intention. It indicates that consumers who are satisfied with Richeese Factory products and services do not always end up making purchases. The ability of managers to understand the factors which shape consumer brand behavior is required to develop and to maintain their brand position in high competitive fast food brand competition.


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